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    Pages/Slides: 1
16 Oct 2018

Participants will be familiarized with technological advancements beyond smart grid. The technological advancements include three key industry subjects. The first subject is Asset Performance Management (APM), including minimizing outages through analytics and outage restoration techniques. The second subject is Advanced Distribution Management Systems (ADMS). The first session will introduce ADMS and the second session will discuss ADMS advanced real-time applications. The third subject is the convergence of IT (Information Technology) and OT (Operations Technology) within an electric utility to enable effective Enterprise Data Management.Asset Performance Management (APM) Agenda for Session 1: Asset Performance Management (APM) 1. Key Outage Cases in T&D 2. Intelligent Asset Strategies 3. Extending Useful Asset Life 4. Power Transformer Example: Traditional Remote Monitoring & Diagnostics (RM&D), Transformer Digital Twin, Minimizing Outages through Analytics: Outage Prediction, Network Connectivity, Storm Readiness, Vegetation Management 5. Outage Restoration Techniques - a Range of Values Manual: Control and Legacy Methods, Positive Step over Manual, Automation and Visualization, Digitally Enabled 6. APM Integration with ERP Architecture and other IT Systems

Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Grid Tutorials