The Outbreak of Smart Grid Cyber-Security: The Modern Campfire Story presented by Abedalsalam (Salam) Bani-Ahmed
Abedalsalam (Salam) Bani-Ahmed
Members: Free
IEEE Members: Free
Non-members: FreeLength: 1:23:53
Recent cyber-security incidents have caused severe power outages in distribution system operations, which have highlighted the importance and urgency of improving the resilience of the electric distribution systems. Unlike IT networks, vulnerability of Smart Grid (SG) infrastructure has a direct impact on the vulnerability of system assets and operational outage costs. SG infrastructure can be secure, but yet not safe. Recent trends in cyber-security solutions have a broader necessity, not only on communications security, but the resiliency to cyber-attacks. This tutorial is intended to provide cyber-security definitions and technical considerations of SG critical infrastructure. Agenda: 1. Overview and Definitions 2. The Path from philosophy to science to corporeality 3. Cyber-physical perspective (Requirements and developments) 4. Where to go (resources, targets), and how to go (backgrounds, starting point) 5. Conclusions
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IEEE Smart Grid Tutorials