Smart Grid and Power System Topologies
Mehrdad Rostami, Mehrdad Boolochi, Shamsul Aizam Zulkifli, Ronald Jackson, Abhishek Balakrishnan,
SG Sponsoring Societies
IEEE Members: $15.00
Non-members: $30.00Pages/Slides: 21
Issue on Smart Grid and Power System Topologies featuring
"How DERs may change grid topology and affect system status and performance",
"Mix Generations with Self-Synchronization During Unbalanced Condition In Microgrid",
"Automating the Utility-Customer DER Interconnection Process",
and "An Interview with Mehrdad Boolochi"
"How DERs may change grid topology and affect system status and performance",
"Mix Generations with Self-Synchronization During Unbalanced Condition In Microgrid",
"Automating the Utility-Customer DER Interconnection Process",
and "An Interview with Mehrdad Boolochi"
Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Grid Newsletters